Vol. 34 Num. 1 (2014) Richard Barwell Editorial2 Ubiratan D'Ambrosio Communication: The past and future of For the Learning of Mathematics: a personal view3 David Pimm ,  Nathalie Sinclair Communication: A subtle journal of sudden enlightenment4 Lesley Lee Communication: The FLM conversation6 Egan J Chernoff Communication: What would David Wheeler tweet?8 Anna Sfard Communication: Writing for the learning of mathematics8 David Reid Communication: Is FLM an enactivist journal?10 Brent Davis Toward a more power-full school mathematics ABSTRACT 12 Linda Venenciano ,  Barbara Dougherty Addressing priorities for elementary school mathematics ABSTRACT 18 Jean-François Maheux Re-counting mathematics education with technology25 From the archives From the archives28 Mellony Graven ,  Stephen Lerman Communication: Counting in threes: Lila's amazing discovery MORE INFORMATION   29 Maria G. Bartolini Bussi ,  Anna Baccaglini-Frank ,  Alessandro Ramploud Communication: Intercultural dialogue and the geography and history of thought31 Bharath Sriraman Communication: Zed: the structural link between mathematics and mathematics education33 Peter Taylor Communication: My students deserve better34 Kotaro Komatsu ,  Yosuke Tsujiyama ,  Aruta Sakamaki ,  Norio Koike Proof problems with diagrams: an opportunity for experiencing proofs and refutations ABSTRACT 36 Goossen Karssenberg Learning geometry by designing Persian mosaics ABSTRACT 43 Laurinda Brown Linkages and lineages50 - Contributor affiliations and contact information52