Vol. 26 Num. 2 (2006) Triandafillos A. Triandafillidis "Wishes, lies, and dreams": poetry writing in the mathematics classroom2 Jesús Gallardo Romero ,  José Luis González Mari Assessing understanding in mathematics: steps towards an operative model10 Michael Hardy Can integrated instruction really lead to 'Karate Kid learning'?16 Bill Barton ,  Caroline Poisard ,  Maria Do Carmo Domited An overview of the third international conference on ethnomathematics: cultural connections and mathematical manipulations21 Ubiratan D'Ambrosio Claudia Zaslavsky: in memoriam25 Michal Ayalon Communication: Thinking about logic28 David Stocker Communication: Re-thinking real-world mathematics29 Susan Gerofsky Communication: Communication: simulation, reality, and mathematical word problems30 Merrilyn Goos ,  Vince Geiger In search of practical wisdom: a conversation between researcher and teacher33 Nina Hayfa Impact of language on the conceptualization of the vector36 Serigne Gningue Students working within and between representations: an application of Dienes's variability principles41